Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Classic Stenograph Machine, Simple 3d Render

Court Stenographer Professional and Stenograph Machine

Court Stenographer and Stenograph Machine Clip Art.

3d Animation of Robot Playing Video Games by Leo Blanchette

Illustrations of Ants and Ant Concept, 3d Renders and Vector Drawings

Article on Logo Design, A Must-Read

the Little Blue Bird Bot Automated Tweeter

There is no shortage of little blue birdies on the cute and hug-able. On cruising the social networks, I realized something: Most of those cute, tweeting little birdies are actually robots! Bots, posing as real little blue birds!

Developers, bloggers, seo specialists, and web designers, here you are: The true blue birdie. The little blue bird bot, automated tweeter. Use these small size renders for your personal needs! Right-click and save. If you'd like the larger sizes, simply click the image to the royalty free stock illustration page.

Little Blue Bird Bot Automated Tweet Machine Clip Art Illustration

Cute Blue Bird Robot Icon

Blue Bird Bot Looking At Viewer Illustration

Cute Blue Bird Robot Developer's Clip Art

Little Blue Bird Robot Automated Tweet Machine Clip Art

At first glance he looks like a real bird, but then you realize your looking at a little bot. He's an automated announcement machine, spreading news and  cheer all over the social networks. Have you seen him before?

Developers will enjoy this render in their own projects surrounding social networks. I haven't seen many 3d rendered versions of the concept.

Monday, August 29, 2011

The Little Blue Bird Icon 3d Render

A rather large blue bird bot, somewhat cute and clumsy in appearance. He has an announcement to make, 140 characters long. This little icon of the social networks has taken over the internet, but the interesting secret is that most of these birds are actually bots. Here is one for your use as your tweeting around the town.

Little Tweet Bird Blue Bot Clip Art Illustration

A little blue bird bot. These bots are everywhere, decorating the internet with announcements, news, and random information of every sort. You've probably seen this little blue bird bot, a notable figure of modern social networks. What can you say in 140 characters or less? If an image is worth a thousand words, you're going to have a hard time tweeting about this little 3d rendered blue tweet bot!

Little Blue Bird Robot Clip Art Illustration

That familiar little blue bird we've all seen...everywhere. Did you know that he is really a bot? Really. (Web developer's inside joke). We've all seen the little blue bird, tweeting tweeting tweeting. Some people can't stand him, some people just love to listen all day! The tweet bot. Now a clip art illustration for everyone to enjoy! Tweet.

3 Awesome Social Networking Clip Art Illustrations

Here are a few illustrations denoting social networking concepts, created by illustrator Leo Blanchette.

[caption id="attachment_36756" align="aligncenter" width="125" caption="Social Network Clip Art Illustration Man with Megaphone"]Social Network Clip Art Illustration Man with Megaphone[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_36757" align="aligncenter" width="117" caption="Online Networking, Orange Man Standing on Mouse"]Orange Man Standing on Mouse[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_36755" align="aligncenter" width="131" caption="Concept in teamwork"]Teamwork Social Network Concept[/caption]